Original The Evil Frankenstein, 1965 Movie Poster
Jean and James

Original The Evil Frankenstein, 1965 Movie Poster

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Evil of Frankenstein (Universal, 1965). Horror.

Very Fine- on Linen.


French Grande (45.5" X 62.75*)

Guy Gerard Noel Artwork. 

Starring Peter Cushing, Peter Woodthorpe, Duncan Lamont, Sandor Eles, Katy Wild, David Hutcheson, and Kiwi Kingston. Directed by Freddie Francis. A restored poster with bright color and a clean overall appearance. Touchup has been applied throughout the borders and folds to address edge and fold wear, creases, mostly small chips, and tears. Some scuffs and a few other flaws remain lightly visible. Grades on all restored items are pre-restoration grades.